We’re not ALL “control freaks” but having control over matters makes everyone feel more secure. It is the situations when you don’t have control that makes a person feel uneasy, and less than secure. Rampart tries to keep you in control.
We offer Control
Control is something we can help you with, at least in some ways.
Control your Home Alarm
You can use a keypad, remote key fob, voice, or a smartphone or computer to control your alarm system at home or at your business.
Control your payments
You can pay via paper check and the US postal service, credit card or e-check, or enroll in auto-pay— you choose, we don’t force you to use auto-pay like some companies do. Bonus for us— we get a to build our stamp collection!
Control your privacy
We don’t constantly monitor your personal activity. Unless you subscribe to “opening and closing” logs, we won’t know when you arm or disarm. We don’t know when you are home or away, unless you decide to tell us.
We don’t track you’re whereabouts like Google (owner of Nest). Think about how much Google knows about you. What you shop for, things you search online, where you are, where you’re going, maybe your credit card numbers, who your friends are… We’ll never be that invasive.
We don’t have to know your arming codes. You can keep a separate password to identify yourself with us. Your choice!
Control how you get invoices
We will still mail them via the post office, or email them, or not send them if you don’t need them because you pay automatically. You choose. Seems reasonable, right? But some companies don’t give you a choice.
I’m sure there are other ways we offer control— maybe I’ll think of more later. Right now I just have to get back to my regular work before the workload gets out of control..